
This page is adapted from Quickstart using a server client library released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Some code samples are also adapted from the source, which are released under the Apache 2.0 License. This page is part of a repository under MIT License, but does not override some licensing conditions of the Google’s quickstart guide. Please refer to these license for more information.

Retrieve credentials

  1. In the GCP Console, go to the Create service account key page.

    Go to Create Service Account Key Page

  2. From the Service account list, select New service account.

  3. In the Service account name field, enter a name.

  4. From the Role list, select Project > Owner.

    Note: The Role field authorizes your service account to access resources. You can view and change this field later by using the GCP Console. If you are developing a production app, specify more granular permissions than Project > Owner. For more information, see granting roles to service accounts.

  5. Click Create. A JSON file that contains your key downloads to your computer.

Configure service account

Grant roles/cloudfunctions.admin role if you will use flask-boiler to deploy cloud functions. (Replace with your own service account information where applicable)

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding flask-boiler-testing --member=serviceAccount:firebase-adminsdk-4m0ec@flask-boiler-testing.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role roles/cloudfunctions.admin

Also run, You may need to run

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding firebase-adminsdk-nztgj@gravitate-backend-testing.iam.gserviceaccount.com --member=$MEMBER --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

(Effect unclear)

Add flask-boiler and the server client library to your app

Add the required dependencies and client libraries to your app.

In your project’s requirements.txt,

# Append to requirements, unless repeating existing requirements

flask-boiler  # Not released to pypi yet 

Configure virtual environment

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

In your project directory,

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a Document As View

In this example, we will build a mediator that forwards domain models (eg. City/TOK) to view models (eg. cityView/TOK). Both data models are stored in a NoSQL datastore, but only the view model is intended to be shown to the user. This example is similar to a stream converter, but you may build something more advanced by leveraging ViewModel.store to query multiple domain models across the datastore. The example is located in examples/city

Configure Project

Provide authentication credentials to flask-boiler by moving the json certificate file to your project directory and specify the path in boiler.yaml in your current working directory.

app_name: "<Your Firebase App Name>"
debug: True
testing: True
certificate_filename: "<File Name of Certificate JSON>"

In __init__ of your project source root:

from onto.context import Context as CTX


Declare a Domain Model

In models.py, create a model,

from onto.domain_model import DomainModel
from onto import attrs

class City(DomainModel):

    city_name = attrs.bproperty()
    country = attrs.bproperty()
    capital = attrs.bproperty()

    class Meta:
        collection_name = "City"

Create Attribute objects for your domain model. These will be converted to a Marshmallow Schema for serialization and deserialization.

class Municipality(City):

class StandardCity(City):
    city_state = attrs.bproperty()
    regions = attrs.bproperty()

You can create subclasses of City. By default, they will be stored in the same collection as City. Running a query on City.where will query all objects that are of subclass of City: City, Municipality, StandardCity. A query on Municipality.where will query all objects of subclass of Municipality: Municipality.

Declare View Model

Declare a subclass of Store first. This object helps you reference domain models by calling self.store.<domain_model_name>. In this example, you should initialize the store with a snapshot you may receive from the View Mediator.

class CityStore(Store):
    city = reference(many=False)

Next, declare a View Model. A View Model has attributes that converts inner data models to presentable data models for front end. The doc_ref attribute chooses where the view model will save to.

class CityView(ViewModel):

    name = attrs.bproperty()
    country = attrs.bproperty()

    def new(cls, snapshot):
        store = CityStore()
        store.add_snapshot("city", dm_cls=City, snapshot=snapshot)
        return cls(store=store)

    def name(self):
        return self.store.city.city_name

    def country(self):
        return self.store.city.country

    def doc_ref(self):
        return CTX.db.document(f"cityView/{self.store.city.doc_id}")

Declare Mediator Class

Protocol.on_create will be called every time a new document (domain model) is created in the City/ collection. When you start the server, on_create will be invoked once for all existing documents.

class CityViewMediator(ViewMediatorDeltaDAV):

    def notify(self, obj):

    class Protocol(ProtocolBase):

        def on_create(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot, mediator: ViewMediatorBase):
            view = CityView.new(snapshot=snapshot)

Add Entrypoint

In main.py,

city_view_mediator = CityViewMediator(

if __name__ == "__main__":

When you create a domain model in City/TOK,

obj = Municipality.new(
        doc_id="TOK", city_name='Tokyo', country='Japan', capital=True)

The framework will generate a view document in cityView/TOK,

    'doc_ref': 'cityView/TOK',
    'obj_type': 'CityView',
    'country': 'Japan',
    'name': 'Tokyo'

Now, you have the basic app set up.

Create a form service

In this example, the user can post a form to /users/<user_id>/cityForms/<city_id> and create a new city.

Create Form Class

Declare a CityForm used for user to create a new city.

The function decorated with city.init will be called to initialize city attribute to a blank City Domain Model in the default location for property reads: obj._attrs. The fields of the blank Domain Model are set through the property setters. propagate_change will be called by the mediator to save the newly created city Domain Model to datastore.

class CityForm(ViewModel):

    name = attrs.bproperty()
    country = attrs.bproperty()
    city_id = attrs.bproperty()

    city = attrs.bproperty(initialize=True)

    def city(self):
        self._attrs.city = City.new(doc_id=self.doc_ref.id)

    def name(self, val):
        self.city.city_name = val

    def country(self, val):
        self.city.country = val

    def propagate_change(self):

Declare Form Mediator

class CityFormMediator(ViewMediatorDeltaDAV):

    def notify(self, obj):

    class Protocol(ProtocolBase):

        def on_create(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot, mediator: ViewMediatorBase):
            obj = CityForm.new(doc_ref=snapshot.reference)

Add Security Rule

In your Firestore console, add the following security rule:

    match /users/{userId}/{documents=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId

This restricts the ability to post a city to only registered users.

Add Service

Now, your main.py should be,

city_view_mediator = CityViewMediator(

city_form_mediator = CityFormMediator(

if __name__ == "__main__":

When the user creates a document in users/uid1/cityForms/LA,

    'country': 'USA',
    'name': 'Los Angeles'

you should be able to receive the domain model in City/LA,

    'cityName': 'Los Angeles',
    'country': 'USA',
    'doc_id': 'LA',
    'doc_ref': 'City/LA',
    'obj_type': 'City'

and the view model in cityView/LA,

    'name': 'Los Angeles',
    'country': 'USA',
    'doc_ref': 'cityView/LA',
    'obj_type': 'CityView',

This completes the setup for a simple CQRS read model / form set up for flask-boiler. The user may create new cities by posting a collection they own, and view cities by reading cityView.